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UTeach Maker Cohort

I am a member of the 2017 UTeach Maker cohort. Through this group I have gotten a chance to meet other future and current STEM teachers who are interested in learning more about Making. Each member of the cohort is assigned to a mentor who we can go to for guidance and expertise. Each mentor has several mentees which creates a mini community without our larger Maker cohort. Once a month the entire cohort gets together and we participate in a Maker activity led by one of the mentors. 

At our first meeting of the Fall 2017 semester we put together the cardboard LED sign seen in this video. One of the mentors laser cut the parts and brought LED strip lights for us to use. In groups we assembled each of the letters and then we put them together as an whole cohort. It was very important for all of us to communicate for all of the letters to be constant so the final product would look good. As a group we planned where we needed to create openings for the LED lights to string through as well as whether we wanted to hide the extra strip lights.

Upcoming Cohort Activities- Updates will be made as events take place


October 7th 2017: One of the mentors in the UTeach maker program, Jason Harron, showed us how to use a laser cutter.


November 3rd 2017: We visited Ann Richards School for Young women where Oren Connell and Susan McLain designed a tinkering challenge for the groups.


December 5th 2017: Showcase Round Tables


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